Cho Tokimeki♡Sendenbu Embarks on an Indonesian Adventure for ‘Kawaii Memorial’ Music Video

Triumph in the Heart Lock-on Hall TOUR 2023

Cho Tokimeki♡Sendenbu, the renowned Japanese idol group, has achieved a remarkable milestone with the successful culmination of their extensive Heart Lock-on Hall TOUR 2023. The grand finale took place at the Hitomi Memorial Hall in Showa Women’s University, Tokyo, signifying the group’s longest tour to date. Comprising members Kanami, Julia, Hitoka, Oharu, Aki, and Hiyori, this tour boasted a higher number of shows compared to their previous ventures, marking a significant accomplishment for the idol ensemble.

Cho Tokimeki♡Sendenbu Unveiling ‘Kawaii Memorial’: A New Single and Music Video

Adding excitement to their accomplished tour, Cho Tokimeki♡Sendenbu has unveiled the music video for their latest single, ‘Kawaii Memorial,’ scheduled for release on September 27. The enchanting music video is available for viewing on their official YouTube channel. What sets this release apart is the fascinating backdrop chosen for the video—the exotic landscapes of Indonesia. The decision to shoot in Indonesia follows their spirited performance at the Impactnation Japan Festival 2023 in July 2023. Indonesia holds special significance for the group, being the country where their previous hit single ‘Suki! Cho ver’ claimed the top spot on the Spotify Viral Top 50 chart in November 2021.

The success of ‘Suki! Cho ver’ not only topped charts but also laid the foundation for a substantial TokiSen fan base in Indonesia. Therefore, when the opportunity arose for Cho Tokimeki♡Sendenbu to return to Indonesia, it was a thrilling prospect to choose it as the ideal location for their latest video shoot.

‘Kawaii Memorial’: A Melodic Celebration of Cho Tokimeki♡Sendenbu Cuteness

The title of the song, ‘Kawaii Memorial,’ draws inspiration from the Japanese word “kawaii,” meaning “cute” or “adorable.” Staying true to its title, the music video is an exuberant celebration of cuteness. The song itself features an upbeat melody and an infectious spirit, making it the perfect soundtrack for a day filled with “adorable memories.” And then, this sentiment is masterfully captured in the video’s delightful visuals.

The overarching concept of the music video is “KAWAII MEMORIAL VACATION,” translating to a cute and unforgettable vacation of Cho Tokimeki♡Sendenbu during their visit to Jakarta, Indonesia. The Tokisen group kicked off their Jakarta adventure with a visit to the beach, where they danced on the white sands of PANTAI INDAH KAPUK, North Jakarta.

Against the pristine white backdrop of the beach, the vibrant choreography and colorful costumes of the members created a visually striking scene. Subsequently, the group explored a traditional market and the Old Town area for additional shooting locations. The members, paired up, captured candid moments in the city while warmly interacting with the local community.

During the shoot, Hitoka and other members indulged in the experience of trying “Badak,” a traditional drink from Medan City. Clearly a novel experience for them, sipping on Badak was relished as a refreshing palate cleanser after partaking in oily meat dishes.

In Alun-Alun Fatahillah, the group continued their exploration by trying out colorful vintage bicycles lined up. Julia Ann and Hiyori Yoshikawa caught cycling through the vibrant scenes of Jakarta. Finally, this biking experience seamlessly integrated into the video, where both members tried out white bicycles in one of the scenes.

In Closing: A Vibrant Collaboration of Cultures and Creativity

Cho Tokimeki♡Sendenbu’s decision to encapsulate the essence of their ‘Kawaii Memorial’ in Indonesia adds an extra layer of significance to their artistic journey. And then, the collaboration with Indonesia serves as a testament to the profound impact and connection they’ve forged with their Indonesian fanbase. As fans eagerly await the official release of the single and immerse themselves in the charm of the music video, the unfolding collaboration of Tokisen and Indonesia continues to evolve as a delightful chapter in the group’s illustrious journey.